Jade Plants


Name: Crassula ovata. More commonly known as a Jade tree, Friendship tree, and Lucky plant

About: This common house plant is a succulent and there are over 200 varieties of Jades. The Jade is from South Africa and can grow up to 5 feet tall! I have one that is 2 feet tall which is crazy to me!

Light: Bright indirect, they even like direct light if introduced slowly. I put some of mine outside in direct sunlight in late spring through the summer. If leaves start to drop it could be from lack of light. The leaves will get tough and brown when they burn from too much direct sun. If your plant burns, gently remove burned leaves and pull your plant away from direct light. 

Water: Water thoroughly, let soil dry completely before watering again. This is a succulent so be sure to not over water. If it’s leaves start to turn yellow and drop, it is probably getting too much water, do NOT give it more water (trust me, I have killed a couple of jades this way. lol). If the leaves start to shrivel then it is in need of water. Your Jade would also appreciate plant food when it is starting to get new growth in Spring and/or Summer. 

Pot: Always keep in a container with drainage holes. Terracotta is the best option as it will help to absorb excess water, though glazed ceramic and plastic pots are also good.  

Soil: A cactus/succulent soil is going to be best, but a basic potting soil does the job just fine.

Toxicity: This plant is toxic for cats and dogs and mildly toxic to humans.

sarah bronske